24” video topper comes standard with purchase (Casino only.Seven & five-button simplified, static panels available for select VLT markets.Nine-button static panel option available for video poker products.Dual physical repeat bet buttons (bash buttons).Player Experience Dynamic Player Panel (DPP) with Dual Bash Buttons Provides an enhanced yet familiar player experience with improved monitor resolution, intelligent cabinet lighting, and elevated celebrations that keep players engaged This video shows how to adjust the Coin Comparator on an IGT S+ slot machine to make it less likely to reject coins, or more likely to accept coins.Modern cabinet design with ergonomic comfort features and conveniences that attract players and increase time on device.Superior serviceability and durability reduce strain on staff resources, minimize down time, and increase ROI.Clad with two high-definition 27” screens, a 24” video topper, integrated cabinet lighting, and extensive button panel flexibility, this cabinet is designed to fit your unique needs, and forge new opportunities for your floor. Expertly crafted, the Cobalt ™ 27 Gaming Machine is a shining example of IGT’s commitment to thoughtful design that enhances the player experience.